Monday, October 25, 2010

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

This book was different from the other novels in many ways. Normally, there are females, or heroines that change the story's plot. In this story, Dr. Jekyll had accomplished alot as a scientist and had an eminent future. This wasn't something that gave him satification, for he was very unhappy and wanted to perform a experiment that gave him excitement in his life. This was where Hyde came into play which was the most confusing part of the story in my point of view. His dual personalities gave the book its twisted taste. At one minute, the doctor was partient, the next he was very impatient and violent. This is where good vesus evil came into play with the doctors fight over his self control. The ending of the book was very dramatic and confused me. Doctor Jekyll was said to have died as Hyde but transformed back into Dr. Jekyll. I felt this gave the reader a chance to figure it out for themself. Stevenson's main focus in the novel is on this struggle between good and evil in Jekyll's soul. This was what really caught my attention and gave me the feeling of connection to this story. The sybolic evidence of Jekyll's dual nature really gave this story a great gothic tone.

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